So, the long-nosed one took over my bloggy. I guess that's o.k...I don't mind sharing, except for my chewies, my laps, my sofa, my pinky bed...well, I do share my pinky bed. Big changes have happened to The Belly, and I think I like these changes. Mum says I cackle like a puppy when I play with him, and he bites my ankles. Daddy says it might be pay-back when I was a puppy ankle biter. I dunno, because I was the perfect puppy.
He's three months old, and is ready for adventures! I hope ha can keep up with the madness that is The Belly and my gang of smooshy noses!

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Umm...My Sis says I could...
Ummm...Hi...I'm Draego. My Dad is helping me with this, 'cause my big Sis, Bellatrix, is kinda upset that I want some attention. But, she kinda give me this one and only bloggy space, just for once. I think she really does like me, but is too ruff n tuff to show it.
Ummm...yea...well...ummm...I went to a party and met all sorts of new friends! Ummm...and they had smooshy noses like my Sis! Ummm...and I played in a pool and ran around and played with all the new doggies I met and ate woodchips, yummmmmm and and and ummm...
Daddy's leg, gotta chew gotta play gotta run gotta....bye!
Ummm...yea...well...ummm...I went to a party and met all sorts of new friends! Ummm...and they had smooshy noses like my Sis! Ummm...and I played in a pool and ran around and played with all the new doggies I met and ate woodchips, yummmmmm and and and ummm...
Daddy's leg, gotta chew gotta play gotta run gotta....bye!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Draego has invaded
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Lil' Sis, BIG Brother, or Big Sis, BIG Brother?
I needed a bath, today. Mum says I smell like doggie spit and corn chips. Not sure if that's good or bad, but bath time is bath time. Notice the Stank-Eye...The 'Rents said I needed to get ready for my new Brother..Draego! He's a puppy from Germany. I don't know where that is, but I bet it's farther away than my favorite park.
I'm really doggie friendly, but I'm not sure if I can be a good Sister and role model!?! The 'Rents say that I need to be on my best puggie behavior, so that the pup will learn to be a good doggie, too. They also said he's going to puppy class, just like I did when I was a wee-little pug pup. I suppose I can be a good big Sis, and turn him into a giant, hairy pug!
This is just a courtesy to my loyal readers and followers of my blog. This cuteness, not from me, has got to stop...snort!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Who's in my pinky-bed???
Awww...a puppy...Everypuggy, please say HI!!! to Casey!! She spent the day with me and my Daddy last weekend. She's my Mum's Sister's pup, and is only 9 weeks old. The 'Rents called it a "Trial run..." I only chased her across the backyard twice. Both times, she bent to my will as top-pug...and ran...She's still small enough that I can chase her, and bite her backfat! I gave her a free pass for sitting in my Pinky-Bed. I think it was the cuteness that got me?
Now, some of you know what the big sooprise is for me, The Belly...I think I know, too, with all the hints, pictures, and other tidbits I've been collecting. Well, this coming Sunday, The 'Rents are going somewhere without me, and I think it has something to do with this mystery....
Now, some of you know what the big sooprise is for me, The Belly...I think I know, too, with all the hints, pictures, and other tidbits I've been collecting. Well, this coming Sunday, The 'Rents are going somewhere without me, and I think it has something to do with this mystery....
Monday, April 15, 2013
I'm famous! Sort of...
First, a bit of background: Every so often, I stay at my Granma's house while the 'Rents go worship a giant mouse. Well, while they're there, they eat at a place called The Lazy Dog Cafe. What makes that place so special? Well, it has an outdoor spot where hoomans can eat outdoors, with their favorite pug! Even cooler, a Lazy Dog is opening, pretty soon, near Casa De Belly! So, that way, the 'Rents don't have to leave me behind, any longer...shame on them....snorts!
Anyways, The Lazy Dog features pictures of doggies in their restaurants, and on their website...and guess who's picture got picked to be in the Orange, Ca. restaurant? None other then me...BELLATRIX! Daddy sent them the picture you see on the front of my blog (it was taken at my 3rd birthday partay).
Here's the linky to me on their website: Belly!
So, if you're ever in Orange, Ca, goto The Lazy Dog Cafe, and look for my picture!
Anyways, The Lazy Dog features pictures of doggies in their restaurants, and on their website...and guess who's picture got picked to be in the Orange, Ca. restaurant? None other then me...BELLATRIX! Daddy sent them the picture you see on the front of my blog (it was taken at my 3rd birthday partay).
Here's the linky to me on their website: Belly!
So, if you're ever in Orange, Ca, goto The Lazy Dog Cafe, and look for my picture!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Sooper JUJU for Dutch!
As most of you know, Dutch had to have emergency surgery for bloat. I first met my big spotted bud at a S.F. Pug Sunday when I was a wee-pug-pup, and he wouldn't let me play with his chicken. He's been one of my bestest buds ever since.
So, please send extra big sooper juju-good thoughts to Dutch, his Hooman and Pug, but I don't think he knows, yet.
So, please send extra big sooper juju-good thoughts to Dutch, his Hooman and Pug, but I don't think he knows, yet.
Monday, April 1, 2013
plot thickens!
After I did some digging on the 'rents laptop, I wondered into my mom's Facebook page where I found her looking at these!!
Multiple boy puppies....
Why is she looking at these??
Then she called daddy over and giggled! GIGGLED!!!
They mentioned Draego, puppy and May....which is daddy's birthday. I'm beginning to smell a rat!
I'm getting ready to jump in mom's Fit and get out of town....something tells me I'm not going to like what's coming!
Multiple boy puppies....
Why is she looking at these??
Then she called daddy over and giggled! GIGGLED!!!
They mentioned Draego, puppy and May....which is daddy's birthday. I'm beginning to smell a rat!
I'm getting ready to jump in mom's Fit and get out of town....something tells me I'm not going to like what's coming!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
A mystery...Questions need answering...
So, over the last few weeks, Case De Belly has been in upheaval. Something funny is going on . I think some of my Facebook people know, but I'm not so sure they are sharing all the info. See, my Mum does my Facebook page, and I have full pug-confidence that she is spreading The Belly to the world, as I am TOP-PUG, and there shouldn't be any sooprises. But, I find this doggie tag amongst my hooman's things, while I was innocently looking for morsels of dropped foodstuffs.
It looks like a bone, and who is this mysterious Draego? Could it be my new cousin-doggie that I'm meeting in a week? Or is it some puggie coming to stay with us?
Then, I found this on my Mum's phone, when I was digging for clues, and I noticed they also smelled like a foreign dog:
Mum said that's Daddy Bill..but wouldn't say anything else..Grrrr...
I'm going to get to the bottom of all this, and then, with my orb power, get the 'rents to tell me what's going on...
It looks like a bone, and who is this mysterious Draego? Could it be my new cousin-doggie that I'm meeting in a week? Or is it some puggie coming to stay with us?
Then, I found this on my Mum's phone, when I was digging for clues, and I noticed they also smelled like a foreign dog:
Mum said that's Daddy Bill..but wouldn't say anything else..Grrrr...
I'm going to get to the bottom of all this, and then, with my orb power, get the 'rents to tell me what's going on...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Sneaky Belly...
Look at me! All back to normal, hanging out at the dog park! The tongue is all healed, and I am back to being The Belly! And I have a confession, but first a little story:
So, a few days ago, I spent the morning at Granma's, because Daddy needed to use the loud and pug-dangerous machines in the backyard. Well, Daddy came and got me just after one of my favorite times...Lunchtimes!
So, we went home, and Daddy said that magic word...Lunch! So, Daddy made me my lunch and made himself lunch and we ate, and went into delicious food bliss. Later that night, Mommy was looking for my before-bed-snack, but couldn't find it. Utoh....See, I eat four small meals in a day because of my weird, loud tummy, and the last meal was gone...Confession time...
At Granma's house, Mommy dropped me off with my lunch, and I ate it, and didn't tell my Daddy, so he gave me another lunch when we got home...Did I mess up? I'm feeling a bit guilty aboot the whole thing...
So, a few days ago, I spent the morning at Granma's, because Daddy needed to use the loud and pug-dangerous machines in the backyard. Well, Daddy came and got me just after one of my favorite times...Lunchtimes!
So, we went home, and Daddy said that magic word...Lunch! So, Daddy made me my lunch and made himself lunch and we ate, and went into delicious food bliss. Later that night, Mommy was looking for my before-bed-snack, but couldn't find it. Utoh....See, I eat four small meals in a day because of my weird, loud tummy, and the last meal was gone...Confession time...
At Granma's house, Mommy dropped me off with my lunch, and I ate it, and didn't tell my Daddy, so he gave me another lunch when we got home...Did I mess up? I'm feeling a bit guilty aboot the whole thing...
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Hi, everybody! I'm baaack! The Bells is on the blog! My Daddy gave the deets on my mouth. The underneath of my tongue was all swollen and filled with bacteria...yuck...Daddy circled the area in the picture that the Vet took. The two red spots are where they sucked out bacteria. No one knows why it happened. Usually, it's a small cut or abrasion that gets infected, but no one could see any sores or wounds, so it's kind of a big unknown.
So, I'm laying around Casa De Belly, laying on Daddy's lap, Laying on my sofa cushion, just being lazy and getting better from the sleepy-juice, which I don't do good on, at all.
Thanks, everybody, for the good thoughts! They always help!
So, I'm laying around Casa De Belly, laying on Daddy's lap, Laying on my sofa cushion, just being lazy and getting better from the sleepy-juice, which I don't do good on, at all.
Thanks, everybody, for the good thoughts! They always help!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Vet visit...Belly is sick...
Hey, everyone, Belly's Dad, here. Belly is at the Vet. On Friday, she started eating more slowly, and was acting too tired, and just didn't seem herself. Saturday she perked up a little, but was still eating really slow. She tried to be herself, but something was still wrong. Sunday, after a pug party, she was very lethargic and didn't want to eat, at all, and started drooling a lot. There's been no vomiting and no soft stools.
So, Monday, she went to the Vet. As of this posting time, she's still there. Vet says no tooth issues (our first thought) and no mouth issues. Still doing blood work and x-rays for any blockages.
Vet is thinking Pancreatitis.
So, please give her your good thoughts, and I'll keep this updated.
*UPDATE* Blood work is negative, so far. Vet, under better examination, thinks there may be a sore under her tongue. She's really anti-touch-my-mouth-even-when-I'm-healthy, so she's going to be given a light sedative so they can look at her mouth more closely (personal note: shouldn't this have been done, initially?)
*UPDATE* Belly is home! The Vet found swelling under her tongue, probably from a wound, which caused a bacterial infection under it. She should start feeling better in a few days. There is a picture, but I'll put it in a new blog post.
So, Monday, she went to the Vet. As of this posting time, she's still there. Vet says no tooth issues (our first thought) and no mouth issues. Still doing blood work and x-rays for any blockages.
Vet is thinking Pancreatitis.
So, please give her your good thoughts, and I'll keep this updated.
*UPDATE* Blood work is negative, so far. Vet, under better examination, thinks there may be a sore under her tongue. She's really anti-touch-my-mouth-even-when-I'm-healthy, so she's going to be given a light sedative so they can look at her mouth more closely (personal note: shouldn't this have been done, initially?)
*UPDATE* Belly is home! The Vet found swelling under her tongue, probably from a wound, which caused a bacterial infection under it. She should start feeling better in a few days. There is a picture, but I'll put it in a new blog post.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Hey, everybody! My puggiest-apologies for a lack of Belly inspired updates. More on that, later...
Guess who's in the picture??? TIFFY! My hiking bud! She and her hoomans moved to California from the midwest, and now, with our hoomans, we go on craaazy hikes! All through the hills, up cliffs...sooper adventures! We even got chased by evil cows! She's an itty-bitty pug, with sooper endurance, like, she can hike forever...Notice who's tongue is out...
After a long day of hiking, playing, chasing my Daddy and chewing on his pant leg, I sit on Mum's lap, on my sofa cushion and update my Facebook page, that's where some of my adventures are posted. I try to put up a picture a day...And if you don't do the Facebook thingy, I'm gonna do my bestest to keep up with my blog...
Guess who's in the picture??? TIFFY! My hiking bud! She and her hoomans moved to California from the midwest, and now, with our hoomans, we go on craaazy hikes! All through the hills, up cliffs...sooper adventures! We even got chased by evil cows! She's an itty-bitty pug, with sooper endurance, like, she can hike forever...Notice who's tongue is out...
After a long day of hiking, playing, chasing my Daddy and chewing on his pant leg, I sit on Mum's lap, on my sofa cushion and update my Facebook page, that's where some of my adventures are posted. I try to put up a picture a day...And if you don't do the Facebook thingy, I'm gonna do my bestest to keep up with my blog...
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
ORB Update!
First...everything was O.K.! My orbs are just fine.
Let's backtrack to this blog post: Allergies and Eyeballs. Notice the pic with pigmentation growing in the middle of my orb? That was really the start of Mums and Daddy getting concerned about my orbs. Then, I started getting all sorts of eyeball infections, and a bunch of trips to the Vets followed. I was eventually seen by the ultimate doggie-eye Doctors, Dr. Hacker and Dr. Zafross at Animal Eye Specialists. The decision was made to make my eyeballs smaller, in order to ward off the various bulging eyeball problems that I was having. Since then, I have to get my orbs checked twice a year, and use special medicine in my orbs to keep them healthy.Currently, the pigmentation is totally gone! My orbs are at FULL POWER! Watch-out, world!
Hi! This is me, waiting patiently, but a bit nervous in the eye-doc's office.
After the good news...I was soooper happy!
Happy Belly!!!!!! As a B-I-G sooprrise, we went to Point Isabel after the Docs! I love The Point, but still want to jump in the cold water...hehehehehehehehee!!
Let's backtrack to this blog post: Allergies and Eyeballs. Notice the pic with pigmentation growing in the middle of my orb? That was really the start of Mums and Daddy getting concerned about my orbs. Then, I started getting all sorts of eyeball infections, and a bunch of trips to the Vets followed. I was eventually seen by the ultimate doggie-eye Doctors, Dr. Hacker and Dr. Zafross at Animal Eye Specialists. The decision was made to make my eyeballs smaller, in order to ward off the various bulging eyeball problems that I was having. Since then, I have to get my orbs checked twice a year, and use special medicine in my orbs to keep them healthy.Currently, the pigmentation is totally gone! My orbs are at FULL POWER! Watch-out, world!
Hi! This is me, waiting patiently, but a bit nervous in the eye-doc's office.
After the good news...I was soooper happy!
Happy Belly!!!!!! As a B-I-G sooprrise, we went to Point Isabel after the Docs! I love The Point, but still want to jump in the cold water...hehehehehehehehee!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Paw freezing cold equals bored Belly....
It's been cold at Casa De Belly...Like paw freezing cold...When I go outside, the grass crunches under my little paws...My belly shivers...Which means, not a lot of adventures. I sit under the blankets or on a hooman lap and warm my belly...Sometimes I get bored, and just mope around...I need my outside adventure time, and the diabolical Mother Nature thwarts me at every turn!
When it does warm up a bit, me 'n Mums and Dads like to goto the doggie park and sit in the sun. Here I am sitting in front of my Daddy...Protecting him from the dastardly Cheewawa gang, or the gaggle of white fluffy dogs that guard the comfortable benches...Protect-O-Pug....that's me!
The 'Rents are still working on the special project...It's gonna be pug-tacular!
I'm all over the Facebook thingy...That's where I post funny Belly pictures and other assorted Belly-isms...
As Spring approaches, more adventures, I promise.
When it does warm up a bit, me 'n Mums and Dads like to goto the doggie park and sit in the sun. Here I am sitting in front of my Daddy...Protecting him from the dastardly Cheewawa gang, or the gaggle of white fluffy dogs that guard the comfortable benches...Protect-O-Pug....that's me!
The 'Rents are still working on the special project...It's gonna be pug-tacular!
I'm all over the Facebook thingy...That's where I post funny Belly pictures and other assorted Belly-isms...
As Spring approaches, more adventures, I promise.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Welcome 2013
Last night we said goodbye to 2012.....and welcomed a new year! I think 2013 should be the year that I rule the world!
Well maybe not total world domination....just domination over my 'rents. Like demanding more adventures. Don't they know I need to discover new locations and pee on everything!?! Future generations must know this hermie had been there!
Then there is napping.....luckily I already trained my 'rents to give up their laps whenever I feel it's necessary to nap on them. I'm not one for cuddling, I am one for stealing their body heat and demanding pets.
So I guess I have some world just happens to be my 'rents world.
So I have some fun and exciting things coming up in 2013. I'll be sharing them soon with everyone. I hope you guys have facebook, some of it will involve it. Also, I have a project (or two) that I'll need your help with...that's will be helping me. Trust domination will be mine...hehehe
Well maybe not total world domination....just domination over my 'rents. Like demanding more adventures. Don't they know I need to discover new locations and pee on everything!?! Future generations must know this hermie had been there!
Then there is napping.....luckily I already trained my 'rents to give up their laps whenever I feel it's necessary to nap on them. I'm not one for cuddling, I am one for stealing their body heat and demanding pets.
So I guess I have some world just happens to be my 'rents world.
So I have some fun and exciting things coming up in 2013. I'll be sharing them soon with everyone. I hope you guys have facebook, some of it will involve it. Also, I have a project (or two) that I'll need your help with...that's will be helping me. Trust domination will be mine...hehehe
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