Sooo...Daddy broke a Belly Rule: wakin' me up on a lazy Saturday morning. Usually I go to my granma's house to visit, but she's dog-sitting, so I stayed home with my Daddy. And Daddy, who rarely moves on a Saturday morning, decided that we needed some sun and exercise. My adventure harness was attached, and we climbed into his Mantruck and we drove to Orinda, where a big car show was going on. I wondered why, and Daddy said that his Daddy and Brother (I guess my Granpa and Uncle?) where going to be there.
When we parked, Daddy spotted trouble: A farmer's market...where no dogs and pugs are allowed? And it was blocking our way! Oh no!?, So what did we do...we broke the rules, and sneaked through the market. Luckily, the farmer's market police didn't see us! Stealth-Belly strikes, again!
We met with the peeps, and walked around looking at all the hooman stuff. I gotta admit, I wasn't too thrilled aboot the hooman stuff, but there were a lot of nice people there, and lots of other doggies to sniff and hang out with.

We took a break next to Daddy's brother's "hot rod." I bet it could take me to all the pug events sooper fast. But, then again, Mommy drives sooper fast, and would probably beat the hot rod in her pug-mobile.
In the end, it was a nice day, until I spotted the holy-grail of pug mobiles. It was big, it was armored and would allow me to continue my quest to defeat the
Diabolical Gracie The Cat:

I wouldn't have to try and climb the fence, I'd roll it over...Hehehehehehe...snort...hehehe! But, as always, Daddy the logical-hooman asked me: How would I drive it....ut-oh, haven't thought aboot that....