Well, it's been aboot one week since the big operation. The cone...well...it isn't the best, but it keeps my doggie instincts from scratching at my healing orbs. Hopefully, this time next week, I'll be cone free! And that means...ADVENTURES! I haven't been on any adventures since the big operation. Mommy and Daddy take me on walks, and even took me to one of my favorite parks this weekend, but I couldn't play or run around. I had to stay on my leash, and I even couldn't play the leashy-game with Daddy...Damn cone!
The cone...I'm learning to live with it, and I don't walk into doors, or get it caught on stuff, anymore. I have been gettin' it pretty dirty when I pee and poo, as I need to find just the right spot, and that takes some serious sniffin' to find, and sometimes, dirt and (delicious) grass find their way into my cone. Don't tell Daddy, but I love the no-cone time when he takes it off to wash it. But, honest pug, I never scratch at my orbs.

Daddy invaded my personal cone space, and took this picture. You can see the stitches, and my new, and still healing, orbs. Do not worry, they have lost none of their power!
Thanks to all my friends and well wishers! Please spread some of the good stuff to my bud
Dutch, as he has some sickies, right now.