Today was Daddy Day...which means that I spent the whole day with Daddy, and Mommy went to work. Usually this means a glorious adventure, and maybe a bit of (don't tell Mommy) misbehaving. I was a bit lazy, so we decided to mosey on over to my doggie park and keep the day low-key. I played with a neato puppy named Harley, and of course caused my own chaos with all the regulars (Note to a certain white poodle: Yes, it is MY floppydisc, and NO, you can't have it).
Daddy hinted that a big adventure was coming, when Mommy came home! So, I pondered, what could it be? Then I remembered them talking about Halloween, and how it's this hooman holiday where people dress up, and knock on the Big Brown Door, forcing me to morph into
Protecto-Pug. Mommy said I was here, last year, but was a wee-lil pug, so I don't remember. But, this year, she said I'm going to have tons o' fun...and it all started today, when we tried going to a pumpkin patch. Mommy wanted me to help pick out the yearly house pumpkin. But there's a catch, and being a unique Pug, I didn't like the catch...Mommy wanted to dress me up...Ut oh, I'm not to keen on wearing hooman clothes....Especially horns?!?!?

After pug-tacular objections, and after the dreaded pug-wearing-horns photos, we went to the first pumpkin patch, without the horns...I saw the place, and it looked like a ton o' fun, that is until the mean woman in the shack yelled, "No pets!" We weren't happy aboot that, so I gave her the middle paw, and we were off to another patch.
Daddy was driving, and I was sitting on my Mommy's lap, smearing my jowl juice all over Daddy's window, when we found another patch. Mommy said Ut-Oh...big sign...no dogs here, either...

Crap...we were foiled in our adventure! We went home disappointed. Mommy said she's going to Google for Pug friendly patches...I want me some pumpkin! I was consoled with a tooble, and some serious Mommy lap time, because I have to rest for the HUGE
Pug-o-ween event this Sunday!