Wednesday, March 31, 2010
My Buddy -Belt

Monday, March 29, 2010
What would we do for our humans?

So this leads me to think...gosh would I jump into the ocean to save my mom or dad? I know I'm just 18lbs, but could I drag mom or dad out? Nope! I'm not that silly to think that, but I think about all the things I can do for mom and dad. First off, I defend our backyard from the evils of squirrels! I let them know who's queen pug of our house! Next, when the doorbell rings, I run to the door, puff my chest out and give them my best "German Shepard lives here" bark. Those girl scouts better think twice before scamming my parents for their $4.00! When mom and dad take me for a walk, I have to stop and just recon the area, I'm scanning for entry points. Now I've made good friends with the mailman and UPS guy, they're here like everyday, so I've decided they pass my background check. Gosh if you think about it, I do a lot for these people!
Mom and dad said I have failed to list the most important thing I do for them...give them oodles of unconditional love, and that is the reason they put up with me. So would I jump in the ocean for them? Not really because I can't...but I know they'd do it for me....that makes us even.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
What's in a color?

Let me take you back to when I was a wee little pug, I was only 3 months old and walking in the park. Well actually I was biting the leash, mom's jeans, playing tug with the leash, chewing on rocks...mostly making mom wish she had gotten a cat. While walking around the park, a woman happened by with a fawn and a black pug. She looked at me with mom's Uggs in my mouth and uttered, "that looks familiar!" Mom inquired and she stated that her black pug was crazy, wild and full of energy while her fawn one was lazy. This made my mom wonder...what did I get myself into? Skip ahead another month, we're in our first round of puppy school (yep that's right...first of many to come) and a woman knew a pug owner who also had a black and fawn combo. She too stated the black pug was way more active and crazy than her fawn. Once again mom cursed all those websites, and pug books she read that stated pugs were lazy and liked to dress up.
So over my 7 months of life, I've met many a pug....from fawn to black, brindle and even albino. So I ask what color are you? Do you think you're lazy or crazy? Do you think it has anything to do with our colors...or is it our personality? Do you think it's in our gender? Or is it an age thing?
For the record....I'm a black 7 month old hermaphroditic pug who likes to run, hates to dress up and can keep up with a whole pack of dogs 10 times bigger than me at my daycare. I'm 18.25 lbs of pug fury, that breaks the mold and then likes to eat the mold for dinner!! I'm as feisty as they come....care to share your stats?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spencer Bartholomew

We've attended pug events together, and we have our secret play dates. Our moms laugh at how silly we are, and wonder over our waistlines. Spencer and I just run and run, chasing each other. Often times, he barks at me to get my butt moving...I did have that extra cookie when no one was looking...so I slowly get up and chase him. He jumps on top of the picnic table and I decided to follow, after all who cares that we have the whole dog park to ourselves, it's much better to play on top of the park bench while our moms try to have a discussion. Oh our silliness never ends.
Who is your best friend? Do they make you happy just to see them? Are you giddy with excitement when you get to meet? I hope you would like to share your best friend stories with me. My bestest friend in the whole pugverse is Spencer Bartholomew and this blog is for you!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
border collies ain't got nothin' on me!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Berkeley buddy-belt

I really liked this store, not only did I get my very own Lavender buddy-belt, but I got a new treat toy and a special gift for my friend Spencer. I did manage to knock over a display and mess up mom's new pedicure, but after all was said and done I have decided I like this new pug store. I got to make a new friend, Ruby, who is a black pug like myself...only thinner and a little older. I'm really excited because mom said they had to special order my buddy-belt so we have to go back next week. Woo hoo!!! I can't wait to show it off.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
bandido de calcetín

My mortal enemy is (don don don) the flip flop. Last time mom wore those I was a wee little one and I would chew her newly pedicured toes, but it was a secret ploy to get her into glorious socks! So beware mom and dad....your little sock bandit is on the prowl.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Flat Spencer?

Mom said I can't eat flat Spencer, and trust me I have tried to nibble on him. In fact, I think he's almost as yummy as the real Spencer. I know that with all this help I will be my svelte self once again...or at least I have a cute picture of Spencer to cuddle with.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Pool Party!!

Mom said it's a pug pool! She knows I just love the water...I'm forever trying to jump into the bathtub, so she decided I might enjoy a cool dip when the temps get too high. I decided to check it out and turns out I kinda like it. Mom says when it gets a little warmer, we'll fill it with water and I get to run around in it, and no peeing in it!
I know this is going to be so much fun. Mom suggested we have a pug pool party and see if anyone (hint Spencer B) wanted to come over and take a dip. I know pugs have a little trouble in the heat, but this will help keep me cool. Mom said we can bob for ice cubes in it. Gosh this is going to be one fun summer.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My diet begins Monday....promise

So ever since my bad weekend (darn grass) and not one but two doctors telling mom and dad I'm a little "plump", mom has really stuck to this no treats/extra food/cookies regime. First off she decides to mix my normally yummers food with the (ahem!) weight management formula. Really...fiber?? Then she's totally cut back on treats and my "just because" cookies. Now these precious orbs are for not. I've even taken to helping myself to whatever is in the fridge. I don't even have any carrots to drown my sorrow...something about getting to Trader Joe's blah blah blah.
I used to get a whole cup of food a day! Now I only get 3/4 of a cup. FOR THE WHOLE DAY! What is mom thinking? I run, I chase, I play, I fetch that's like at least 1,000,000 calories burned a day right?!? Ugh, this is not happening to me. Doesn't mom understand, I'm stocky, it's like in my gene pool. I know she blames everything on being Italian, so I blame it on being a pug.
I feel faint, lack of cookies will cause my to swoon, they'll be lucky if I perform at my optimum. Must find cookie......
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Vegas vacation

About 10am on Tuesday I decided to eavesdrop on my grandma's phone conversation. It's mom! I know that loud Italian voice anywhere. Mom and dad are in Vegas? Why am I not allowed to go? I can totally go and put my treat money into a machine to make more money for more treats...see the pattern here people? Apparently you have to be 21 years old to get in, so I'm toooooo young for that, so I guess that means I'm staying with grandma a few days.
I was super excited though when mom and dad did come home on Wednesday. I was happy to see them well rested and ready to hand over their laps for my pleasure. I even got to chew on my yak treat, something I can't do over grandma's. So mom assured me that it's going to be a while before they vacation again. I guess I better start planning for another trip to grandmas.
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hours later, some drugs in my system and a giant probe in my mouth, he found grass wrapped around my tonsil. Now I didn't know that was possible, or that I even had a tonsil, but there it was. I was super sleepy after that and mom had to come get me real late at night. Way past our bedtime.
I'm feeling a little better today. Not my normal crazy self. I know I'll be back to feisty me tomorrow. Does this mean I'll stop eating grass? Nope! Dad better mow our lawn fast.
Friday, March 12, 2010
surprise trip to the vet
Then to add insult to injury, the vet tells me I'm pudgy! I have to loose like 3 lbs. I'm a pug people...aren't I suppose to be stocky? It's winter, don't I need insulation in this cold weather? So now mom says I get less food, and more exercise. Ugh.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I pulled it off!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday was super exciting! Mom and dad said we were going to go and finally meet Puglet and Dutch! I was all giddy to finally meet them. So we drive over a bridge and got to this really cool park on this hill (hey it's SF, so a hill is going to be involved) and met with ooooodles of pugs. It was pug-topia. Now I know why mom loves Disneyland so much, this hill was my Disneyland!!! At first I had to stay on leash....mom was all worried I'd run off blah blah blah. Thank pugness dad took me off leash and the running began. It was so exciting to play for hours with other pugs. Mom seemed so excited to meet other pug owners, and dad kept a watchful eye on me. I was super happy to see my bestest bud Spencer show up, we had fun giving our moms heart attacks when we'd run away and not listen. The day got even better when Puglet and Dutch showed up! I've never had so much fun in all my life!
After all this fun, I headed into Daly City to meet more family. I was one exhausted pug, so I was on my best behavior. I even fell asleep in moms arms after dinner. On the way home I had so many wonderful pug dreams that my little legs couldn't contain themselves. In my dreams I chased Dutch and his chicken, ate mud with Spencer, ran around with Puglet and Frank and sniffed some serious butt (except Zoey's). I had such a blast that I didn't want it to end. Happiness is defiantly being a pug
Thursday, March 4, 2010
growing pains

Today I went to daycare, and acted as if yesterday never happened. Mom should be happy that I'm still young and active. Pretty soon I'll call her Chris, ask her just drop me off a block away from daycare, and can she please just let me hang with Spencer without her like hovering over me? Gosh! Parents just don't understand.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
flappy happy

Monday, March 1, 2010
I'm sweet (potato) on you

Once mom came home from work I was super happy. She brought me home a treat! She opened this can from Trader Joe's (she goes there like all the time) and gave me this yummy spoon full of orangey stuff. At first I thought it was going to be pumpkin, which as a young pup I liked but I have lost the taste for, but it wasn't. This was sweet and yummy and a little messy on my muzzle. I was excited to try it, and I didn't want it to end. Mom what is this new delicacy I asked...sweet potato puree and I get pretty much as much as I want. So I was excited to hear that my KONG will now contain some and when mom thinks I need a little treat. She said we'll freeze some in the summer so I get sweet potato cubes. Finally, something to curb my sweet tooth.
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