Friday, June 10, 2011


So, in my never ending quest to protect Casa De Belly from the evil Gracie The Cat, I had a Pug-Ultra-Snorty-Surveillance-System installed when I thought Gracie was playin with my toys and sleepin in my Monkey Bed. Well...well...well...the PUSSS didn't capture Gracie in its hi-tech net, instead, it captured HEDGIES!?!?!?!?!

Daddy helped me review the footage, and he also thinks they are up to something. What's in the darn bag? Kinda looks like a nose?

But, then I see this picture of all my Hedgies in my Monkey Bed, almost like they're resting after a long day of planning when The Belly was at Daycare? Hmmm.....I must get to the bottom of all this, even if it costs me some treats...


  1. Maybe they are growing an extra large, ginormous hedgie for that is the size of the bag. Can you imagine the fun playing with one that big!?! This conspiracy is giving me sleepless days and must get to the bottom of it Bella!

  2. That is a mystery that only BELLATRIX the PUG can solve. Your incredible INTUITION, you amazing ANALYSIS and your obliterating ORBS make you the SUPER SLEUTH of the PUG domain. Go forth and conquer sweet Belli
    Love Noodles
