Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2011 can SUCK IT!!!!

WOW!  2011 came and went in the blink of an eye!  For me, a blink of a surgically altered eye...and that ain't no joke.  So I say to 2011, you can suck it.  2011 you totally blew for me...jacked up eyes, puking and the loss of my favorite toy...the flappy.  Good riddance to your sorry asshat!

Because mom is 100 years old (mom note: 38 isn't old Bellatrix!!)we didn't stay up to watch anyone ring in the new year....but I did see lots of humans talking about resolutions.  I asked mom what they were and she said they were promises humans make to themselves at the beginning of the year...and then break 2 days later.  I thought about it, and I thought maybe I should make some resolutions and I plan to keep them.  NUMBER 1....harass daddy more!  He is such a sucker for this...all I do is bite his laces and he picks up a toy to play with me...score one for the pug.

NUMBER TWO....More collars...listen some of you pugs wear clothes....you humans have your shoes....I have my collars.  Trust me, more to come!  Mom took daddy's magic money card and ordered me more...they should be arriving any day now....super awesome!

NUMBER THREE.....Donate all my old beds and toys that I don't play with anymore to my local animal shelter.  All those homeless dogs make me feel sad.  They need their own 'rents to harass, right??

NUMBER FOUR.....check out this tiny waist bitches!!  I'm almost a freaking Olson twin!!  Mom says lots of humans make this resolution, and most don't keep it.  I need to keep thin for my man Dutch....*wink*  Plus check out my curl tight and high...love it! 

NUMBER FIVE....more noms.  Now I know this kinda goes against number four....but I'm a pug and I am ruled by my stomach.  What's a girl to do??

So I think 2012 is going to kick border collie ass!  I plan on being just as crazy and have a crap load of adventures, that I hope to share with all of you.

What does your 2012 look like and are you making any resolutions? 


  1. Hi Bella, your #5 is my one and only resolution. I'm going to try really hard to hit that one out of the park. Of course, maybe I should add one about getting my thumbs to make another post before the end of 2012...sheesh! Of course, when she finally gets around to helping, it's going to be all about stuff that happened at the end of 2011. Oh, well. I have to admit I had some pretty cool holiday fun. Happy New Year my friend!

  2. Ditto #5: more nom nom noms for sure!

    And more cuddling and sleeping...


  3. Happy New Year 2012 Belly! I hope this year is much better than 2011 for you, I wish you health, wealth, hapiness and lots of love, treats and tummy rubs! I agree that number 5 is the most important resolution, more and more noms!!! Love, Pug Hugs and Licks Frank xxxxxxx

  4. Belly, just love your attitude girl!! Hope this new year is great for all!

    the PugRanch Kids in Idaho
    Bailey & Hazel

  5. Aw, Belly! You had good stuff happen too!! Remember your awesome b-day bash?! How about that romp in the Mazda with your man Dutch?!! But you're right, 2012 is gonna be awesome!!!

  6. I love your promises to yourself Bella, I hope you keep them for more than two days. For me I'm promising to have lots of new adventures. I never had those before and they're fun!

  7. I like your idea Belly. Suck it 2011!!!!!! For me, I hadn't really made any resolutions, me being so close to perfect and all. But mor noms sounds like a plan. I'm in!

  8. 2011 can suck it and for 2012... live life to the fullest pug style!

  9. My main ones for this year Belly are:

    #1-Get Tucker once and for all.
    #2-Get my Mom some much needed mental health services.
    #5-Never, EVER been seen in the pink tutu again.
    #6-Avoid nail clippings, I prefer my talons.
    #7-Eat some more.
    #8-Not pug scream the next time I am caught stealing at Pet Smart and my "prize" is taken away.
    #9-I vow to never sit still for pictures.
    #10-Travel to the moon on a giant spaceship or go to Grammy's house for a long visit, whichever comes first.

  10. Happy New Year Bellatrix
    Yeah, Mommy's lamely JUST getting to reading blogs, etc. In fact, you might have JUST received your Christmas turned Holiday turned New Year card about now! AND SHE STILL HAS MORE TO DO!!!! Anyhow, Here's to a GGGGGRRRRRRR88888888 New Year - Year of the Water Dragon. I really believe that is CODE for PUG.
    Love Noodles
