So.....I'm in trouble.....The weigh in wasn't too successful...24.8 pounds!!! Needless to say, Daddy gave me THE LOOK. My fellow pugs know THE LOOK. THE LOOK that says no more treats, no more chewies (goodbye delicious brown box), no more cookies...Daddy says he's gonna put me on a tread mill? Not sure what that is, but I think it's to help my toobleness. This is even more depressing: Mommy gave me THE LOOK, too! She's usually a push over, totally giving in to my orbs. But not anymore, saying something about health, blah blah blah.

Oh Bella, I am sorry for your bad news at the scale. It's true, there are a lot of drawbacks to losing weight. In particular the less treats thing. But, trust me when I tell you, you will feel much better. When I put-on a few, my bum leg really acts up, but at fighting weight, I can run for miles. Plus, the humans, like the vet, stop giving you grief. There is nothing like going to the dr and being told you are fat. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteHi Bella..I was in your boat. I weighed 25 lbs when my back problem started. Vet visits, crate confinement, diet doggie food and no cookies. When I was finally able to go outside again my mom started the walking thing (more like race walking). No more agility either. But the walking and crappy diet food paid off, I am a svelt 19 lbs and feel fantastic. And I can have a few (2) cookies every day. Hang in there Bella-T we feel your pain.
ReplyDeleteEllie a former porky pug from San Antonio
Wow, I must have the meanest mom in the world. I'm NEVER tubey. People always comment on how "in shape" I look. I run agility, and my mom is obsessed with keeping me thin, so jumping doesn't affect my joints.
ReplyDeleteI gotta figure out a way to get more FOOD! less tooble-like makes you fitter to go get those treats yourself...who needs pawrents anyways if they are denying you the good stuffs!
ReplyDeleteMuch luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Pee-S: Wesa think yousa is a fine weight!! :)
Oh Bellatrix-
ReplyDeleteYou and me both!!! Mommy took one look at me and tsk'd! She said I look like a walking BREAD BOX and that was NOT a compliment! So treats are few and far between and mostly of the vegetable kind. And I don't know for sure, but my kibble seems less that usual. Do you think she would be so diabolical as to CUT MY RATIONS? Oh me oh my - poor US!!!
Maybe we need a play date so we can run some of it off? Are you free Sunday?
Love Noodles
UPDATE! Snorts! I went to Daddy and pleaded for another try! Daddy said that was o.k, especially after I did my morning poo...So....23.6pounds! WooHoo! Must've been some sort of hooman foulup...silly Daddy! I still have to watch my toobleness, though...
ReplyDeleteBellatrix I'm on the green bean diet. I loves it! Less kibbles but oh those tasty green beans. Sometimes mom adds carrots or celery and every morning I get a bite of banana! I love my new diet. She even gives me extra treats (yeah they are carrot slices not bones but I totally dig them). Good luck girl!!
Sequoia aka meatball
ReplyDeleteSo glad you were able to poo out some of that weight. Like many of you controling my toobleness is a constant battle. One thing I have noticed is when the scale creeps up, so does the frequency and volume on my snoring & snorting. Mum is pretty sure they are related.
Hi Bella,
ReplyDeleteI know what its like too! But just think, as soon as you loose the extra poundage, then you can have more treats and goodies again. But just maybe in smaller quantities. I have to watch my girlish 12.5# bod.
Do not fret sweet Bella. Your expression in your picture is priceless. We think this just means you need more play dates with Spencer and all of your friends. We're were planning another trip to Pt Isabel on Sunday we would love it if you were there. Maybe this time if you do go our silly human will be smart enough to find out where you'll be. Noodles wants to play with you too. It would be fun to see our friends again.
ReplyDeleteLuv, Zoey & Phoebe