After all that pug play time....and the yummy food (oh that cotton candy was heavenly) mom and dad gave me a private party at home. They bought a cupcake and lit a candle for me! They told me to make a wish....

I huffed and snorted (and I suspect daddy helped me) but the candle went out!

Daddy bought me a new green leather leash! See.....daddy took me to the dog park and he grabbed the wrong leather leash, so I was left with some other dirty leash. So mom took daddy to the store and said he can get me a new one as a birthday gift. (Dad wants me to point out that he didn't loose my leash he blames mom...silly 'rents)

After our little celebration mom showed me all the nice things my pug friends gave me. I got some awesome toys and chewies, but I also got this kick ass bandana. My buddy Noodle, his mom made it for me! Now you all know I don't wear clothes, but I will rock a bandana like no other pug can. I mean check it out...there's food on it!!! It's in my favorite color too.

Poor Dutch....it's not suppose to go there! Even Pug is disturbed by Dutch!!

So here I am.....2 years old. I want to thank all my friends who came and gave me presents and donated to
DFW. So what did I wish for when I blew out the candles?? That all my blog friends could have all been there for the party. Because I know you all couldn't be there, that doesn't mean you can't be part of it!! I smell a
So post a comment (on this blog) by midnight Friday September 2nd (the premier of daddy's show Man Woman Wild) and if your name is picked by the randomizer, you'll win a goodie bag of your very own!!
Good luck guys and thanks again for celebrating with me....I think I heard mom talking about a "holiday pug party" Hmmmm......