Mom decided I need to start putting my toys away when I'm done with them. Usually I just leave them all around the house, hey you never know when you have a sudden urge to attack a stuffed animal, but mom and dad said they were tired of stepping on them. They brought me home this cute basket to store all my current toys. See the theory is that once done I'll actually go and put them back in....the reality is that I'll just play with them as usual then leave them around the house. Nothing will change..nope. The cool thing about this toy basket, is that once mom or dad puts all these toys back in there for me, I have all my toys in one place and I have to then pull them all out again. Mom and dad are so silly! Put my toys away...that is funny. I personally think they're lucky I haven't made the basket my new toy! Do your moms and dads make you put your toys away, or do you just leave them laying around?
Well, we have baskets. And we have toys. But I'm with you on the easy-access philosophy so our toys don't spend much time in the baskets.
ReplyDeleteApparently me & Dutch have "more toys than a gaggle of 3 year olds" and it drives my human nuts to have them all over the house. I hope she doesn't read this and get any funny ideas about making us (read: me) put them away.
We have a toy basket and we have toys. Never the twain shall meet.
ReplyDeletePuglet, maybe your next project could be an instructional video on organizing pug toys;)
Mom says it looks like a toddler lives here because we have toys everywhere! The kitchen, the dinning rm, the bathroom, and in the couch cushions. They have a big basket for our toys, but yeah its just sit theres. The only time we use it is when the vaccume machine rolls around.
ReplyDeletePuglet- I think you're mom might read this and make you put your toys away. Sorry...maybe brother Dutch can help. He's very smart too and I'm sure he'd like a share of your cookies.
ReplyDeleteWilma, I never said it was going to work, I just said mom's theory is that my toys go into the basket when done. Last night I stayed up with dad, and when mom got up this morning, I had left toys out. Mom just put ignored it, it was 6 am after all.
ReplyDeleteMorning Sequoia and Petunia! Mom too has made the comment about "it's like having a kid around", but she says I'm much better than any kid ever! I don't really like our vaccum cleaner, I'm afraid it's going to take all my toys!!
ReplyDeleteHello Bellatrix -
ReplyDeleteThis is too funny! So much likes our house. Silly Mommy and Daddy ordered us this special toy box that says "toy box" please...on it. Right. Really??? Again, Please. We are so not going to comply with these rules. So lets see...Anakin has pee peed on it a few times, I use it to nappy in and Izzy just chews on it. It's funny 'cuz Mommy with pick all ofour toys up. We will watch her do this. Wait for her to leave the room...them throw them all over the house again and go on hide....hee hee hee. Silly silly silly...
Don't they know that this is OUR house and we lets them live in it's with us. We wants our toys where we wants our toys.
And that is dat!
Josie, Izzy, and Anakin
Oh you silly gang....I wish I lived near you because we would get into so much trouble! I too watch mom or dad clean up after me, then I just take them right back out. Sometimes they are sly and do this while I'm sleeping. Once I get up though, it's same ol same ol. Hehehe..we are soooo much alike
ReplyDeleteHi Bellatrix..my toys all over the house and I have tons of toys. They start making their way into the backyard and grandpaw picks them up every night to ensure the night critters don't scamper off with them. Also, if you move the couch or chairs...you'd find a treasure of treats and chew bones!! Don't even get me started on how i like to destroy the cat's toys...there's lots of skinned fake mice around these parts. Grandma doesn't like that...neither do my cat brothers & sisters.