Mom got a call today from the vet (not her normal vet but a substitute vet she's not so crazy about), but it turns out I had an overgrowth of bacteria ( with a long ass name I can't remember-not giardia) and it took up residence in my lower intestine. I guess my lower intestine is like Disneyland for this bacteria, because it didn't want to leave and it kept getting on the same ride. So I'm on this pill that will get rid of this bacteria and send it to Six Flags instead.
I still am on a chicken diet, but I'm getting my kibble mixed in again and mom went and bought some baby food (yummy fruity flavors and sweet potato) to mix in. I'll be back to my normal BBP (that's Big Beautiful Pug to you mister) in no time. Oh..that reminds me I"m so going to have to blog about the lecture I got at the vet saying I'm fat! I know!! Wait until you hear what he wants me to be....let's just say I wasn't that tiny since birth.
So anyways....now that I'm pills and getting food again, I'm getting my energy back, just in time for Sunday's With Spencer. ( If you're new to my blog-he's my bestest friend in the galaxy) So because I"m feeling better mom and dad took me for a nice long walk in the 'hood. I picked up this charming habit from Spencer, you bite the leg of your mom and dad when they walk (this is dad in the picture) and when they (your 'rents) get mad, you orb them all cute like. Oh they act like they don't like it, but I know they do...even though they say things like "NO!" and "AH AH!" and this old one "BELLATRIX LESTRANGE STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!"
So for all of you who sent me well wishes I totally appreciate it, it made me feel better and back to myself. If you're new to my blog, welcome! I get into all sorts of trouble and love to orb my way out of it. If you're curious about my liver...well we still don't know. This bacteria has nothing to do with it...so I'll have to keep you updated. Thanks again everyone again for well wishes and prayers and thoughts. Now I'm off to watch COPS on TV and bark at the bad guys.