Well...Because of Daddy's lack of editorial insightfullness, I have (at least until Mommy helps with my blogging, again) taken control over my blog. Since today is Random Acts of Cuteness, I have decided to post a self portrait of me hard at work doing pug related research, looking at pug pictures, reading pug gossip, and other assorted pug related things. It's tough not having fingers, and my snowshoe size paws (thanks Puglet's Mom for that nickname!) make it hard to type, but I'm coping.

Yet another Daddy picture. Since he got a new camera, he's been a pain in my curl with all the pics. Unfortunately, he caught me in mid-toooble-bliss...Well, it WAS a good toooble. Mommy said it was bison, and I'm afraid of that because it gave me squirty-poo, but so far, all is good.

Daddy strikes again...Breaking one the the most important rules in all of Pugdom: Don't mess with a Pug's nap. See, I like my nap time. I like layin' on the sofa in sleepy bliss. It's been freeezing where I live, so I snatched a blankie, and wrapped myself up. I was all cozy when I heard Mr. Samsung Camera....And saw Daddy's goofy grin...I was too cozy to snort at him, or chase him away with a Pug bomb, so instead, I played sleepy, and he went away.
I guess that makes me randomly cute...If you want to be on my blog for next Monday's R.A.O.C., send me some pics, and MOMMY (not that silly Daddy) will help me post them!